Frequent questions
No, it is as simple as pinching your nose and breathing through your mouth, when using compressed air equipment. We realize that it is even easier than snorkeling.
For sure, the duration of the air depends on many factors, but we could say that the air will depend on our physical condition, the temperature of the water, our anxiety and how deep we will be diving, deeper = less diving time.
Cinema and television in their quest for spectacularity have misrepresented the reality of the dangers at sea. Certainly the most important tourist destinations are located on the shores of splendid seas, in which millions of bathers enjoy swimming, jet skis, surfing, windsurfing, kayaks, etc., without ANY ATTACK from the much feared sharks, stingrays, barracudas, moray eels, etc. Almost all the summer destinations are located by the sea … how many acquaintances do you have who go to the sea in summer? How many are the millions of people that you don’t know and enjoy water around the world?
How many shark attacks are there worldwide per year? About 100, of which only 10 are fatal. Every year there are more people who die around the world because they have been struck by lightning or have been stung by a bee.
The age to take “Diving experiences” is from 8 years, while for “Diving courses” is from 10 years of age. The certifications will come with the legend of the course taken with the completion Jr. For example: OPEN WATER DIVER Jr. When they turn 15, they become Senior.
What’s the difference between one and other? The difference will be in the maximum depth to which they can go down.
Children can do “Dive Experiences” called a BUBBLEMAKER. Here they will learn to dive while playing. Do not hesitate to ask us more about this.
People who have serious heart problems, neurological problems and those who are diabetic cannot dive. There are exceptions, but this must be authorized by the doctor in writing.
During diving, due to the increase in pressure produced by descending in the water, the body absorbs an amount of extra gas that we already have in the body (without realizing it). When we leave diving and through breathing we eliminate that extra gas, but since we have atmospheric pressure on us, this elimination is slow and does not present major risks. When we get on a plane, it is pressurized to a pressure lower than atmospheric, therefore (at 2300msnm), if we were diving, this elimination of gases will be done much faster, which can lead to certain accidents, due to the formation of bubbles in body tissues.
That is why we must wait between 12 and 24 hours. To fly after diving, because in that time we have eliminated the extra gases that were in our body when leaving the water.
You must show us that you know how to swim 250m at your own time and also show us that you can float for more than 15 ‘in the water.
As in any gym or high-performance training center, at the beginning of the course you must bring a model PADI certificate (which we will provide) signed by a doctor, which says, previous examinations and auscultation by him, you do not suffer problems to practice diving and you will also have to carry out with the doctor of the place where the swimming pool is located, a medical examination to access it. You must not be an excellent swimmer.
You must show us that you know how to swim 250m at your own time and also show us that you can float for more than 15 ‘in the water.